
LOTD# 917


- Suicide DollZ & Mesh Body Addicts & Hair Fair & The secret affair & Boys of Summer -

hey girls sorry for that delay yesterday was a very busy day but here we are with a new super pretty outfit lets start: This outfit is by "Elegance Boutique" well made for "The mesh body addicts". Those pretty shoes are made by "Emporium" and have a color changing hud exclusive for "Suiside DollZ". The nice bracelet and necklace you see on my detailed post a little bit better is made by "JAS" for the "Boys of summer" event but fits a girl also very good ... as you see :P
And I got some more pretty hair from "Tabou" for you. Made for the "Hair fair". I really love it and think that she should do more hair what do you think? :) I love it. And Those pretty eyes are made by "Arise" for "The secret affair". I really love the eyes made by "Arise" thanks for that :) have all a nice day ♥  

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