
LOTD# 918


- Collabor & The dressing room & The secret affair -

hey :) I have a new dress for you: This dress is by "B BOS" and is to buy in a lot of colors. And as a perfect match I bought this shoes by "Mutresse" as an exclusive for "Collabor88" as also as the pretty necklace made by "Atomic" and my pretty new skin made by "Glam Affair" for "Collabor88". And I have some pretty Bracelets for you. Made by "Candy Crunchers" you will find this item at "the dressing room". Those pretty eyes are made by "Arise" for "The secret affair" as I told you in how much posts? :D I don't know but I love them. And at least this gorgeous hair by "Exile" I love it ♥

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