
LOTD# 915


- The secret affair & Genre -

Hello everybody :) I got a in-between times post :) between tomorrow and now :D Well It's up to the "Genre" event. I really love the beautiful creations of this round. As I told you It's called the Islanders and is all about the hawaii emotions. So here we are: I show you the new maxi dress by "Kastle Rock Couture" and this pretty necklace by "Bliensen + MaiTai" for male and female and those pretty lantern by "Distorted Dreams" with one lantern that rotates and one without all up to "Genre". And of course I show you here a new set of eyes by "Arise" for the "secret affair" like I did in the last couple posts because I really love them and my most beloved skin by "Glam Affair" with matching hair by "Tukinowaguma" enjoy your stay and have a nice day ♥

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