
LOTD# 954


- Collabor88 & The Chapter Four & Fantasy Gacha -

good morning everybody :) I start the day with a very sunny outfit today :) This beautiful creation is by GizzA for The Chapter Four. To find in the half price room and yepp of course for the half price :P And the pretty sandals you see here are one of Glamistry 's great older creations ♥. My accessories today are so cute ♥ So the necklace is one of the new releases of {JAS} and is for Fantasy Gacha Carnival what is running until the end of the month. And this cute breacelet is by Kibitz to find (I guess) in her store. And this pretty bag is by C'est la vie ! and comes with a color changing hud ♥. And this hair is by TABOU. and was for the hair fair, so you may find it also in her store. And once again beautiful eyes by ARISE and this lovely shadow I blogged before is by Veechi and exclusive for the Collabor88 what has a few days left to buy it there ♥ Have all a nice and sunny day :)

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