
● SL Fashion Week ●


SL Fashion Week a weekly Event

Every year, the streets of New York are folded with the top designers of the world, and most sought after models around. Hairspray, double sided tape, and hidden trans-fat high calorie burgers, fill the scene when you walk behind the glamorous catwalk and through the curtain to the backstage of any of these runway show.

What we don't ever see is the world before the flashbulbs bursting into our eyes. What does it look like without the thrill of  cameras and an audience? The dressing room with manic people all about and fashion at it's rawest. This is the real SL Fashion Week.

One of SL 's hottest Event is going to launch its first round after the winter break in just a few days.

Bringing together the best and freshest styles and items on the grid, SL Fashion Week will be a weekly event geared towards bringing you fashion that's both affordable and high end. Behind the glitz and glamor you will find a world all of it's own. Fashion models and designers running here and there.

Make sure to come early so you can snatch one of the first row seats to watch the show as closely as you possibly can.
Fashion addicts need to mark March the 19th in their Calenders. This is clearly not something you want to miss.

SL Fashion Week will bring you:

• New round each week
• Discounts on NEW items of at least 15%
• Exclusive items for SL Fashion Week


⋙ Weekly schedule:
• Thursday ~1PM SLT - The event closes.
• Friday ~1 PM SLT - The event opens for the new round.

⋙ Landmark: (doesnt open before 19th)

We want to bring the world of the super model to you, but not from the catwalk but from the curtain call. Each designer will bring to our event new and exiting items that reflect their style.

Best regards,
Royal Event Management Team


If you have anymore questions, comments, or concerns, please contact one of the following people.

       Royal Event Management Staff:
⋙Event Manager:            Anna C. Grey (annagrey Resident)
⋙Event Assistant:           ᶳᵗᵋᶠᵃᶰ (Noctea Despres)
⋙Event Support:             Nheria Resident
⋙Blogger Manager:         November Sorbet

⇝ http://royaleventmanagement.wix.com/secondlife

Created by: Royal Event Management  2015/16

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